Linking biology with cognition in the global brain

I will first discuss a biologically-based model of “cognitive-type” microcircuits, with the prefrontal cortex as an example, that are capable of working memory and decision-making. The model is characterized by slow (NMDA-receptor dependent) recurrent attractor dynamics, and has led to the proposal of a disinhibitory circuit motif implemented by three subtypes of (PV+, CB/SOM+ and CR/VIP+) inhibitory neurons. This line of research also begins to impact on clinical research in Psychiatry.

Moving toward a cellular-based understanding of theta generation in the hippocampus

Oscillatory activities are a ubiquitous feature of brain recordings and 
likely form part of the neural code.  In particular, theta rhythms 
(3-12Hz) in the hippocampus play fundamental roles in memory processing. 
  Can we understand how theta rhythms are generated from cellular 
perspectives?  It is challenging to address this question largely 
because of the multi-scale nature of our brains.  However, we need to 
tackle this challenge as it is clear that cellular specifics can dictate 

Motivation and grit in school

The goal of this internship is to rely on a large scale dataset to test the robustness of the findings reported in Galla, B. M., Plummer, B. D., White, R., Meketon, D., D'Mello, S. K., & Duckworth, A. L. (2014). The Academic Diligence Task (ADT): Assessing individual differences in effort on tedious but important schoolwork. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39(4), 314-325. Strong statistical skills are necessary.

Symposium New Ideas in Computational Neuroscience

9.00am - Laurence Aitchison: "Sampling-based probabilistic inference 
emerges from learning in neural circuits with energetic costs"

9.45am - Yonatan Aljadeff: "Cortical credit assignment via 
neuromodulatory and inhibitory plasticity"

10.30am - Alex Cayco Gajic: "Dimensionality and separability of 
sensorimotor representations"

11.15am - coffee break

11.45am - Frederike Petzschner: "Perceiving and Learning about the world 

Journée portes ouvertes de l'ENS, le 16 février 2019

Pour la première fois, quatre grandes écoles ont décidé de faire Portes Ouvertes communes. Situées au coeur de Paris, l’École normale supérieure, l’ESPCI Paris, MINES ParisTech et Chimie ParisTech, toutes membres de l’Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres), ouvriront leurs établissements le samedi 16 février de 13h à 18h. Leur volonté ? Donner aux étudiants l’envie d’intégrer leurs formations, qui couvrent un très large panel de disciplines, et qui offrent de nombreuses passerelles entre elles.