How do natural neuronal networks deal with noise?

The retina is a dense layered network of neurons that transforms incoming light from visual scenes into noisy spiking activity. This transformation is highly non-linear and has not been fully characterized yet. In particular, the activity of the different output neurons is noisy and correlated. There is at the moment no consensus on the extent and purpose of the correlations observed in the population response, some studies stating that they can be beneficial whilst others showing otherwise. In this talk I will discuss some recent results to answer this question.

Neural correlates of flexible cognition

Abstract: New probes now allow high density recordings of activity in primates. We report on findings from two collaborations with the Buffalo lab in which primates were trained to perform complex tasks, in which we explore the emergence of schemas. In the first study, macaque monkeys navigated in a visually rich virtual reality environment. We find that while many neurons in hippocampus show place-like responses, the population as a whole tends to primarily encode relevant task epochs.