Principles in early language learning
To meet Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, please contact Alejandrina Cristia:
To meet Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, please contact Alejandrina Cristia:
To meet Chaz Firestone, please contact Brent Strickland:
To meet Nick Chater, please contact Paul Egré :
To meet Eva Fedorenko, please contact Charlotte Jacquemot :
Where is it harder for women, across career stages?
How do implicit biases shape our attitudes towards our colleagues?
How can we reduce inequalities?
What organisations and support are available for women?
Come join the international conversation about the place of women in science!
Everyone is invited!
Please register at:
The work in our lab focuses on understanding the neural basis of
spatial memory and spatial cognition – using bats as our animal model.
In my talk I will present some of our recent studies, which explored
the following questions: (i) How does the brain represent positions
and directions in 3D ? A set of studies revealed 3D place cells and 3D
head-directions cells in the bat hippocampal formation. (ii) How are
navigational goals represented in the brain ? We discovered a new kind
Organizers: Julie Grezes (INSERM) and Guillaume Dezecache (University College London)