Language recovery: brain networks and aphasia rehabilitation in the chronic stage post stroke

Anomia (word finding difficulties) is the hallmark of chronic aphasia.  Speech production is dependent both on regional changes within the left inferior frontal cortex (LIFC) and modulation between and within anatomically distinct but functionally connected brain regions. Interregional changes are particularly important in speech recovery after stroke, when neural plasticity changes underpinning behavioural improvements are observed in both ipsilesional and contralesional frontal cortices.

Computational and cerebral characterization of perceptual categorization mechanisms under uncertainty

Anne Urai (rapportrice, Leiden University)
Benedetto De Martino (rapporteur, University College London)
Alizée Lopez-Persem (examinatrice, Sorbonne Université)
Claire Sergent (examinatrice, Université de Paris)
Fabien Vinckier (examinateur, Université de Paris)
Valentin Wyart (directeur de thèse, Ecole normale supérieure)