Le Colloquium du DEC est l'événement incontournable de notre département. Il accueille chaque mois des conférences données par des expert.e.s de renommée mondiale dans divers domaines des sciences cognitives tels que les neurosciences, la psychologie, la linguistique, la philosophie et l'anthropologie.

Optimally Irrational

For a long time, economists have assumed that we were cold, self-centred, rational decision makers – so-called Homo economicus; the last few decades have shattered this view. The world we live in and the situations we face are of course rich and complex, revealing puzzling aspects of our behaviour. Optimally Irrational argues that our improved understanding of human behaviour shows that apparent 'biases' are good solutions to practical problems – that many of the 'flaws' identified by behavioural economics are actually adaptive solutions.

Universal Features of Auditory and Music Perception: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Music around the world is incredibly diverse, yet some musical features are widely shared. This raises a question: in what respects does music sound the same or different to people from different cultures? In this talk I will share the results of recent research with the Tsimane’, an indigenous Amazonian society in Bolivia who have limited exposure to Western music. This work suggests that there are several universal features of pitch and harmony perception that may constrain musical behavior around the world.

Description universelle des oscillateurs stochastiques

Quel est le point commun entre les battements du cœur humain, le scintillement des lucioles dans un champ et le balancement des enfants sur un terrain de jeu ?  Ce sont tous des exemples de processus rythmiques - les oscillations - qui se produisent spontanément. Les oscillations sont omniprésentes et résultent de nombreux mécanismes physiques, chimiques ou biologiques.